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Your Source for Top-Tier Engineering

From fabricating high-end steel castings and die castings to assembly and finishing work, Kamoth is proud to deliver exceptional engineering services. Everything we do is backed by a skilled team and state-of-the-art machinery and processes. We've been dedicated to building better parts and have helped countless industries find value and performance along the way.

What we do

With shell molding, lost wax, sand casting process and die casting, we fabricate custom parts tailored to our customers' specific projects. In addition to steel casting and die casting, Kamoth offers a wide range of machining and finishing services, like vibratory deburring, shot blasting, electroplating and much more.In addition, kamoth's wide range of assembly and testing capabilities means your product is ready when it arrives at the dock, saving our customers valuable resources and streamlining their supply chains. Our capabilities include any number of complex assemblies and various tests that ensure quality and reliability for you and your end-users.